At the hospital, Nishant and the constable keep wondering who the killer is. They keep asking Anita questions like, “Do you know the killer from before?” “Are you sure it’s not Abhi?” and all but a while later when Nishant asked “Does Sarah know the killer too?” then Anita started to hyperventilate, her hands started shaking and even in that condition she lifted her hands to put up a thumbs up sign. The doctor came behind Nishant, “Don’t stress her too much. She might go back into a coma.” “Okay, one last question. Is Sarah involved in this?” Anita started to shake, her whole body started to vibrate, and she was having a seizure. The doctor started to force Nishant to leave the room and Nishant shouted from the door as he was being pushed away, “Are you sure Anita?” she lifted her hand with a thumbs up, and then her hand fell down.
Meanwhile, Sarah stopped crying and looked at herself in disgust. She started to think clearly and get a sense of everything that was happening to her.
S: So, every time I start getting partially blind and light-headed.
R: Yes, it’s me. Until now, I am stuck in your subconscious mind. That is why I can only come out when you are asleep. With years of trauma and negative energy buildup, I was able to form enough darkness to force you to sleep to activate your subconscious. Thus, I can come out.
S: How did you come out of me right now? Am I hallucinating you?
R: No. Actually, this is kind of a dream. You are inside your head. The insides of the mirror is your subconscious. This room is the emotional jail you built for yourself afraid of watching your sleepwalking activity. Every step you made, bought you a step closer to me. Made it easier for me. Leading to this moment, where I can kill you and keep the body for myself.
S: Where am I right now? Where is my body?
R: Not your body. It is gonna be my body. Only mine. The best weapon I have received to do God’s work more freely.
S: You can’t kill me. I will not let you.
Sarah woke up from the floor she is on until now. Suddenly, chains grew out of the floor and cuffed her hands, legs, and neck. These chains started dragging her down. Sarah tried to free herself but kept failing. After trying several times, she found a pencil lying beside her study table. She took the pencil and hid it under her palm. The reflection walked to the window of the room sharpening the spearhead now turned into a sword.
R: It's a pity that I had to kill you. We would have made a very good team.
S: Why is that?
R: You are a CSI right? If you have the talent to find clues, you also would have the talent to cover up any clues I might have left by mistake. We would’ve been unstoppable.
Sarah started to slowly move her hands and legs.
S: You did a pretty good job not leaving us any clues.
She started to surrender to the chains and the pressure the chains kept on her body kept reducing.
R: Still, it’d be better to know that I am completely invisible.
S: About you being invisible, how about I help you in another way?
Sarah took the pencil out, held it like a weapon, and grabbed it tightly.
R: How would you do that?
S: Like this!
Sarah rose and charged toward the reflection with the pencil as a weapon. It suddenly turned its head towards its side.
R: How stupid do you think I am? Do you really think I’d let my guard down? That too in a situation like this?
The chains started to pull harder and suddenly a pillar rose from the middle of the room. It has a U-bend in its middle and Sarah’s neck was placed on that U-bend. She understood what was going to happen. She closed her eyes, “Mom, Dad, everyone who I have harmed with or without my knowing. I apologize. I am really sorry for what happened. I hope you forgive me.”
The dim blue light in the room reflected from the sword and started to fall into Sarah’s eyes. She saw her death coming and worse, she is being murdered by her own self. The reflection raised the sword ready to kill. Sarah closed her eyes and was ready to die. She lost all sense of hope and confidence and surrendered to her death. But then, but then she realized something, “This is my room. And now this whole world is gonna be mine,” it shouted. Sarah opened her eyes. The reflection slammed the sword down onto Sarah’s neck and in the moment where it had to feel joyful about Sarah’s death, it wondered. “What happened?” “Me!” a voice came. The sword which was an inch away from killing Sarah’s consciousness started to move away. “What is happening?” The reflection shouted. “ME!” Sarah answered. “I happened! This is my mind. Everything you see, hear, and feel; everything is me. Maybe you have power over this room, but I am the one who built the walls. As the builder, I also have the strength to break them down.” The walls started to crack. The chains started to get weaker and weaker until they were destroyed into thin air. Sarah rose into the air like she was flying with her eyes closed. The reflection held the sword again and charged toward her into the air. Suddenly, her eyes opened and filled. And the reflection was stuck in mid-air. “How did you do this?” “Simple, this is my world. You, your mirror, your room, your own existence is from me. And you dare try to kill me.” The reflection was pinned down onto the floor. “You kill innocent people in my cover. You destroy my family. You destroy my mind. And you call all this God’s work! Evil like you, shouldn’t live.”“You can’t kill me, Sarah. I am inside you. I am a part of you.” “I have made a decision,” Sarah said. Chains came out of the floor and held the reflection towards the floor. “This should hold you-” “These weak links cannot stop me, Sarah, I will come for you.” “-for a while” “What do you mean ‘For a while’?”. Sarah woke up in her body. She was lying in the middle of her home in the same position she was in after Nishant left. She rushed into her room and wrote something. On the inside, “Sarah, you can’t do this. You can’t deny us God’s work” “I don’t care if God himself sent you to do this work. You will not hurt another person. Now or ever again.”
Nishant and a team of constables broke down the main door of Sarah’s house. They started searching for her all over the place. Nishant went into her room and found a letter, when he started opening it a constable shouted, “Sir!!”.
That evening, Nishant was sitting at the police station. His head was low and he was holding his head with both hands. A higher official came to his room, “Congratulations Nishant. You have managed to capture one of the biggest serial killers in India. Enjoy your success.” “Sir, but it's….” “No. She was a snake. We should’ve known a long time ago. We told the press that you did it. Increase your success and the department’s respect at the same time.” There was breaking news on the TV on the station, “One of the biggest serial killers in India, shot to death by Nishant Kumar IPS. Sarah Pandey who worked as the lead CSI in this team turned out to be the killer. She murdered 20 people without any remorse and then worked on the same team investigating herself. A lot of negative impacts are being thrown on the Police department but Nishant became the day’s hero. He spoke to the media saying, ‘It’s all over now. The Blinder is dead. Every citizen can now SLEEP PEACEFULLY’.”
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