“What do you mean the real deal?” Sarah asked in a scared voice.
R:The answer to all your questions. I am the answer to everything.
S: I cannot understand. Who are you? What is this place?
R: Don’t you recognize your own room? Of course, I made some minute changes but common, it is still your room, right?
S: Who brought me here? What is with your face? What is with our clothes? Why do you look like you are blind? Wha-.............
R: Hush now. Have some patience. Maybe you’ll know the answer by yourself. Haaye, you look beautiful. I just wanna take this knife and make you look like me so bad. (The spearhead in the blind stick came out to her hand and changed into a sharp knife) Too bad I can’t do that. (It put the knife just above Sarah’s right eye and started touching all over her face with the knife without making any damage)
S: (Shaking in fear) Please don’t hurt me.
R: I just told you, dumbass. I can’t. You are me.
S: What? R: You are me. I am you.
S: I don’t understand, I am me, how can you be me too?
R: Okay tell me this, what is the case you are working on?
S: It is about a serial killer called, ‘The Blinder’. But how does it relate to what I am asking?
R: Shhhh. Just keep answering me. When did this start?
S: With Nisha’s death.
R: Why do you think she was killed?
S: I don’t know……
R: Because she didn’t deserve to live. She is a fucking cheat and people who cheat on their loved ones do not deserve to live.
S: Stop talking like that.
R: Are you sure about that?
S: Why would I not be sure about it?
R: (Gives off a smirk) Okay, so everyone that was killed in the Blinder case. Did you know them?
S: No. But I saw most of them.
R: Most of them? Think harder
S: I don't know maybe all of them.
R: Do you really think that is a coincidence?
S: What do you mean? The blinder is watching me and killing those I found out are cheating? That’s just absurd.
R: Is it? What are the clues you have about this…….. this blinder?
S: His shoe size.
R: His?
S: Maybe her. We didn’t have time to investigate. Anita’s murder attempt case came up.
R: Yes, that stupid bitch. Won’t die easily.
S: What do you mean by that? How do you know her? Who the hell are you?
Sarah tried to rise from her position and the reflection tightened its knife on her skin.
R: Don’t do any experiments darlin. Fucking stay down. (Sarah went back to her position) Now, look at your shoes.
S: Yes, I know I wear the same shoes as the suspect but what does that have to do with it?
R: What is your size?
S: It's a 10.
R: What is the suspect size?
S: A male 8.
R: What is a male 8 in unisex?
S: Female 10……. But I am not the killer, right?
R: No darlin'. You are not. (Sarah tries to cool down) We are.
S: What the fuck is that supposed to mean? (She starts hyperventilating)
R: Calm down already. Nothin can change the fact that we are the killer.
S: What the fuck are you talking about? I am not a killer. I didn’t kill anyone. I………
R: I told you darlin'. You didn’t. We did.
S: What do you mean? I most definitely did not kill anyone. I will remember if I committed such gruesome acts. I did not.
R: That’s because I didn’t want you to.
S: You? How can you make me forget stuff?
R: I didn’t need to. Now as our bond is loose and I am no longer stuck in your subconscious. Let me show you. See. See your best friend Nisha running towards you to hug you in the night. See how your hand is moving from a reluctant hug to getting a hold of her neck. See with your own eyes, the memory of choking your own best friend to death. See the memory of her eyes pulled out like the guts of a fish being pulled by a spear hunter. Hear your laughter. Feel what I felt, feel the rage, feel the enjoyment, feel the relaxation, feel the justice we made. Feel it. Feel it all.
S: Ohh no! (Crying) What have I done? Does this mean I am the one that killed everyone?
R: Yes darlin'. You are the blinder. We are the Blinder. We are given the opportunity to spread this justice. We are given this blessing of living guilt-free even after taking lives. We are God-sent Sarah, we are sent here for this mission.
S: Shut the Fuck up. What the Fuck are you even talking about? Does it even make sense?
R: Ohh you stupid girl. Look at it. All of it. Tell me we aren’t destined to do this for all eternity.
S: I killed my own dad? And I enjoyed it?
R: He was a fucking cheat. Cheating on his wife. He deserved it.
S: Rajat, all the other youngsters. All 20 of them. I have killed 20 people? And I don’t even remember it?
R: It’s a boon darlin. A blessin'. We are destined to cleanse this world from those pieces of shit who fuck with love. We are destined to remove all these cheating pigs from the face of the Earth. We are—-
S: What the fuck? I can’t understand. What the fuck is we killing? Who the fuck are you?
R: I. I am the answer to all your questions. I am your sadness. I am your anger. I am your vengeance. I am your rough sense of justice. I am your darkness. I have always been inside you watching every bad decision you took, every wrong step you made, it kept forming me and kept making me stronger and stronger. Strong enough to become us and give the world the justice it deserves. I AM YOUR EVERYTHING.
To be honest, I don't exactly have any goals. I'd love to entertain y'all with my writings. If you wanna support me, you can donate as little as you can. You will be the reason for my smile today when I see that someone is supporting me, no matter how less or how more the amount is.
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