S: Fuck the formalities, I don’t need your condolences, Nishant. I need your help getting back to the team. Getting that son of a bitch to justice. That is the only thing I want right now.
N: You look like you haven’t slept in ages.
S: That’s because I haven’t. I can’t sleep. This is where my parents lived. This is where I was born, this place is my whole life. And now I have to live here alone. This is all because of that motherfucking asshole. I will kill him with my bare hands if I find him.
N: Sarah, this is not about revenge.
S: I think it just might be.
N: Sarah. Please. Cool down and think.
S: He is responsible for the death of my parents. That fucking son of a bitch is responsible for the deaths of my best friend and my parents and you want me to cool down now! Is that why you came here, Nishant? To tell me to cool down!
N: No. Please. Try to think. Revenge never turned out to be a good thing.
S: Ohh, please. I am coming to the office tomorrow. Keep my desk ready. We have a motherfucking psycho killer to catch.
N: You are removed from the team.
S: What the fuck are you talking about? N: You have a lot of personal attachment to this case and judging from recent events, you are not stable enough to stay and interrogate possible suspects without harming them or yourself first. I am removing you from this team and suspending you for a month. Go to a rehab, a psychiatric center, Goa wherever you need to go to get yourself back to a more stable version.
S: Fuck you, Nishant.
N: I am leaving Sarah. Take care. Goodbye and once again I am sorry.
S: Fuck you. Fuck all of you motherfuckers. Fuck you all. FUCK YOU ALLLLLLL!!!!!!
Sarah kept shouting “Fuck you all” and then fell on the floor. She tried to wake up but she was too weak to do so. So, she kept trying and trying until she passed out.
She woke up in her bed in her bedroom with clean white clothes with black spots on random spaces, the dress looked like a white top and pants with black spots. Puzzled, she tried to open the door of her bedroom but something was pushing from the opposite side, not letting her open the door. She tried to break the windows, break the door. Nothing worked. In that mad state, she started roaming around the room looking for something and took out her blind stick to break the door. Suddenly her mirror caught her eye. She looked in the mirror and things felt different. Her reflection in the mirror was like her. But it wasn’t exactly like her normal self. The eyes were open wider and there was a big white spot covering most of her eyes. She looked paler, more muscular, and held a blind stick but with her left hand. Unlike herself, in the mirror, she was dressed in the same but black clothing with white spots at random spaces. The reflection was smiling at her while Sarah kept seriously looking into the mirror and going closer.
Meanwhile, Nishant was informed that Anita was stable and ready for questioning. He went to the hospital and questioned her about the same thing again. “Can you answer us something about the crime Anita?”. She gave him a thumbs up. “Do you remember the whole event clearly?” another thumbs up; “Did you see the face of the person who tried to kill you?” she didn’t let her thumbs down. “Do you remember the face?” still she didn’t let her thumbs down. “Is it Abhi?” she gestured a thumbs down. “It’s not Abhi?” still a thumbs-down gesture. “Are you sure?” a thumbs up. “Who could’ve killed her if it wasn’t Abhi?” Nishant asked the constable beside him.
Sarah kept going closer to the mirror to see if she was hallucinating but as she was coming closer the reflection was also coming closer and closer to the edge. She touched her forehead to the mirror surface and wasn’t able to pull herself away from it. When she tried harder and harder, the reflection also was in the same position but smiling broader and broader. She closed her eyes and pulled herself away from the mirror using her full strength. When she opened her eyes, her reflection was there. Out of the mirror. But still, foreheads attached. The reflection started laughing loudly and maniacally while Sarah kept shouting in horror.
All of a sudden, the reflection started to punch Sarah in her face. Sarah kept resisting it for a while and also tried to throw some punches herself but she failed to make any impact. The reflection just stood there smiling. It held Sarah by her neck and pinned her to her bed. Slowly trying to tear the bond between their heads, the reflection started pulling her head away slowly. Sarah can hear the muscle getting torn, she felt like a part of herself was being removed from her body. When there’s a tough part of the muscle left not coming out easily, the reflection took its blind stick, and the blind stick’s head was suddenly changed into a spearhead. With that, it poked a hole in the muscle and cut the bond between them like a sliced piece of meat. As the bond between them kept getting thinner and thinner, the scars on the face of the reflection started emerging. A big scar from the forehead above her left eye went through the nose and ended on the top of her right lip. The area above her right lip up to her forehead had severe untreated burn wounds. There are several more scars on its hands indicating that it is involved in violence.
After the reflection came out completely, Sarah ran towards the door beginning to start bashing it again. She felt someone walking towards her from behind but kept thrashing the door harder and quicker in hopes that it to open. She felt a shadow crawling up on her behind, and a hand with a very rough and strong texture landed on her shoulder. She froze due to all that fear and tears kept rolling down her cheeks as she’s trying to cry as quietly as possible. A feminine but rough and deeper voice whispered in her ear, “It won’t open darlin.” she felt rough and chapped lips touching the surroundings of her ear while the whispering, and then after the sentence was said, these lips felt more on her cheek skin as the reflection kissed Sarah on the cheek.
She fell to her knees in shock and slowly turned around to see the reflection sitting on her bed watching her and smiling with her 2 hands on the mattress in a relaxing position. She felt a set of sharp whitish eyes looking at her in both awe and hunger as she tried to settle herself sitting on the floor. With a catch in her throat, she slowly asked, “Who are you?” “Who do you think I am?”
S: I don’t know. Please tell me, who are you? Why did you lock me here? Please let me go.
R: I didn’t lock you here darlin'. You locked yourself up and now are unable to leave. And about who I am? Well, I am THE REAL DEAL!
To be honest, I don't exactly have any goals. I'd love to entertain y'all with my writings. If you wanna support me, you can donate as little as you can. You will be the reason for my smile today when I see that someone is supporting me, no matter how less or how more the amount is.
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