After Nisha’s death, Sarah started taking her studies a lot more seriously. She wanted to join the police force to personally investigate Nisha’s case herself and bring the criminal to justice. But, after checking her medical reports the concerned departments gives her their regards telling her that she cannot be selected due to her partial blindness. Devastated, she came back to her home, sat on the couch, and held her head facing down with her 2 hands as a sign of stress. Her dad watched her in this position and went to talk to her.
D: Why is my baby girl so down now?
S: Not now Dad, I am not in a good place.
D: I realized that, that’s why I came here to talk to you.
S:Who told you I wanted to talk about it?
D: Ohh, I am sorry. Do you want me to leave so that you can be alone?
S: No. Yes. I don’t know Dad. It’s just too much.
D: What is?
S: Everything. My best friend is gone. I can’t find her killer like this. I can’t join the police force due to my accident. It’s just too much to handle at once.
D: Do you wanna catch the killer all by yourself?
S: No, I just…. I just wanna help in finding him and now I can’t.
D: You do realize that the police force isn’t the only way to solve a crime right?
S: What else is there?
D: Well, there is always an option of being a private detective, or an investigative journalist. And if you really wanna work with the police in it, you can always get into forensics.
S: Forensics? Do you really think a forensic officer can help catch a criminal?
D: I mean you won’t have the cinematic chase and shoot after the criminal. But yeah, you can definitely help a lot by being a forensic officer. You can collect clues and evidence, gather them to find more clues, or even identify the killer by yourself sometimes.
S: That sounds good. I’m gonna try my luck. (kisses him on the cheek) Thanks, Dad.
After a year of vigorous study and training, Sarah gets the job of a forensic investigator for the police force. Being a very curious and observant person, she finds clues faster than those already on the team and gains appreciation. She often takes walks through her college and on the roads too frequently just to observe people and find anyone suspicious about Nisha’s killer. She found a guy who is accused by a girl he cheated on her and they keep arguing loudly about it. This day when she goes to sleep, she still feels her partial blindness triggering and then blacks out to wake up tired in the morning.
The partial blindness thing starts getting more and more frequent and she starts getting blacked out just before sleep more and more often. Worried, she went to the doctor about this and he examined her brain and her eyes. Checking the reports,
D: Your eyes are completely fine. There’s no damage or any abnormality in your eyes. And in your brain, there are a few structural abnormalities, but from the reports, I’ve checked from your accident. There is not much of a change. How often are you getting that partially blind feeling before sleep?
S: It used to be like once a month or something but recently its frequency is growing more and more. I’ve felt like that 2 times in the last week and 3 times in the week before that. And when I wake up, I feel more tired than I was before sleeping. I don’t understand what’s happening to me….
D: Maybe you are overstressing your body. It is necessary for the body to always have enough rest to perform well. Maybe that’s making you feel more tired.
S: So, do you think if I sleep well. I’ll be fine?
D: And eat well too. Then you will be fine. And also don’t think too much about this, it's probably nothing. Have a good day.
She left for her place and had a relaxed lifestyle for a week. And she started feeling better too. As a part of socializing, she went out for her walks again and it’s fine for a few days. But one day, she saw a girl and a guy arguing on the road, walking closer to them. “How can you do this to me, with my best friend no less?” shouted the guy at her. The girl tried to calm him down, “Harsha stop, we’re on the road. Everyone’s watching us. How many times should I tell you? Please calm down”. “Why the fuck would I fucking calm down? You bitch. You cheated on me with my best friend. If you liked him so much, why didn’t you get into a relationship with him or wait did you only date me for a chance to be with him?”. This dialogue triggered Sarah again, it brought up all her past trauma and she rushed to her place. She tried to sleep but wasn’t able to, and started crying. Laid back on her pillow she kept crying and crying and started to feel her vision getting blurry. She assumed that it was due to the tears covering her eyes and slowly felt herself blacking out. The next morning she woke up lying on the floor with a small injury on her hand. She sat up on the bed feeling the wound with her fingers wondering if it was real and also about how it came to occur on her hand.
Rushing to the doctor’s in the morning, she explained everything and started panicking there. The doctor tried to calm her down.
D: Sarah! Close your eyes and breathe with me now.….. Breathe in…… Breathe out………. (After a few minutes) Are you okay now?
S: Yeah. I am settled I guess.
D: So, do you wanna talk about what happened and explain it to me in a step-by-step manner slowly?
(Sarah explains everything)
D: Okay. Do you have any memory of moving your body? Or maybe waking up in the middle of the night or something like that?
S: I don’t remember anything. I only remember blacking out and… and….. I wake up in the morning.
D:Can you describe it to me like how exactly are you feeling before blacking out?
S: I remember my vision getting blurry and blurry. I felt like I’m losing control over my body. After I realize that my partial blindness kicked in, I don’t remember anything. I think that’s where I black out and then I wake up in the morning.
D: Ohh did you consider recording yourself when you are sleeping? If you are comfortable, maybe it’ll give us a clue about how your body is acting when you sleep.
S: Do you think it will help?
D: I think it just might.
She walks back to her place finding another couple fighting similarly in a restaurant. She felt her body triggering and then rushed back to her place as she started to feel partially blind while she was on the road. She set up her phone on the table before her bed where the phone can record the body’s movements on the bed. She then lept on the bed and felt herself blacking out again.
The next morning when she woke up, she was on the floor again. She woke up and checked for her phone. When she checked the video, she was petrified with fear and immediately left for the doctors’.
D: Is this what happened last night?
S: Yes D: Okay calm down. Sleepwalking is unusual but considering the levels of stress you are taking in, it’s not surprising.
S: What am I supposed to do, what if I sleepwalk through something dangerous? What if I…..
D: It’s okay, cool down. You don’t need to be terrified of it. Try some breathing exercises, and make your sleep environment safer.
She tried doing things like tying herself to her bed while going to sleep. But there’s not much of a difference in her tiredness. When she starts focusing on her job again, the killer had already committed 5 murders, and to her shock, all of those victims are the cheating ones she saw on the road. In the one year she was walking on the roads, she found a lot of people who are cheating, and most of them end up on the news getting killed similar to Nisha, with their eyes removed. Sarah notices this pattern and the motive and explains it to her higher officials giving her a position in the special team for this case.
Due to her impressive work and her experience and expertise in this case, she was given the role of Head of the forensics team in the special team. Calling themselves nothing but a special team, Sarah gets curious if the team had a name. She asks Rajat, what the name of the team is if one such does exist. He replies, “Yes, our team and our killer have the same code name in the department. It’s THE BLINDER”.
To be honest, I don't exactly have any goals. I'd love to entertain y'all with my writings. If you wanna support me, you can donate as little as you can. You will be the reason for my smile today when I see that someone is supporting me, no matter how less or how more the amount is.
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