"Sarah, wake up already. Watch the TV immediately." Sarah's neighbor Anita woke her up. Managing herself between tiredness and sleepiness, Sarah woke up to watch the news and suddenly her sleep vanished. She got out of her bed immediately and got ready for her job. Being one of the best forensic investigators and a member of the special team set to catch the Blinder, she was shocked to learn about this incident through the news rather than any form of direct communication.
The head of their special team was police officer Rajat Sinha, who is known for his work efficiency and also his misogynistic nature. He always looked down on female officers and was known for making comments like, “Why would you get into these jobs, these are our turf, why don’t you stay at home and take care of it and let men do their jobs” frequently. Sarah and 2 other female officers in the team faced similar problems with him but their complaints remained unheard as the higher officers pushed them away saying, “He’s such an efficient officer.”
She rushed to the crime scene only to find out that all the samples are already taken by the local forensic officer. Rajat made it pretty clear that her expertise wasn’t required for the team. Fed up by such behavior, Sarah started arguing with Rajat;
S:You are aware that I am the lead forensic officer for the special team set specifically for this case. Why wasn’t I informed about this incident? Why was I kept in wait until I learned it from the news and came here by myself?
R:By the time I arrived the local police team was doing their investigation. I didn’t want to disturb them.
S:At least after they did their basic work, you have to stop them. Or collect evidence and give it to me so that I can analyze it, I am the expert the department put up for this team.
R:Why are you getting very serious? And also I decide to take the help of anyone near me for the investigation. If you wanted to involve in this case so much, maybe you should’ve been here before the local team.
S: I am assigned to this team because I am the best and that is what is required for this team. And how can I be here before the local team if I wasn’t even informed about the incident?
R: Stop talking back to your seniors. If you really want to help society, start doing your womanly duty by taking care of the house. Stop this nonsense and go get whatever reports you want, you aren’t much of a help anyways.
Frustrated, Sarah stomps her way away from Rajat to the local forensic team. She takes the reports she requires and assesses the crime scene again making some more observations. She watches with hate-filled eyes as Rajat sits around doing nothing but smoking his cigar. Resting her head on her fingers, she rubs her fingers against her forehead trying to analyze her way through the clues and evidence to find a way to the killer. A junior forensic officer comes down to Sarah asking her, “Ma’am, we are perfectly capable to assess through all these and report you about any improvements, why are you stressing yourself out like this?” to which she replies, “It’s personal!” She closed her eyes and started rubbing her fingers harder against her forehead, recalling how the Blinder made an impact on her personal life.
2 years ago;
Sarah is having a relatively good college life, dating a hot guy Aadarsh, who often treats her badly. Being raised by a rather strict dad, Sarah has developed a lot of daddy issues due to which she started dating guys who in society’s norms are termed as ‘bad boys’. Aadarsh does take her out on a lot of dates but tries to get physical most of the time without her consent. She finds it both hot and disrespectful at the same time but keeps telling herself she can live with it. Being a bad boy, Aadarsh had developed a reputation for cheating on his partners, and Sarah was quite aware of it. But she kept telling herself that she can change him and make him a good person.
Sarah has a best friend Nisha, more special than a sister. They grew up together and were inseparable from childhood. Nisha was also dating a girl and they were a cute couple. They have sleepovers every week and talk about a lot of stuff. Nisha gives a more feministic and respectful discussion whereas Sarah argues blindly about her toxic relationship. Sarah and Nisha shared everything that happened to each other, and in this discussion, the usual argument used to be about how Aadarsh usually gets physical without consent and that it is disrespectful.
One day this argument got serious and Nisha left Sarah’s place, went to her girlfriend’s house, and spent the night there. The next morning when they meet, Nisha left the table angrily. Sarah assumed that it was about the argument and that Nisha was still mad about it. Nisha avoided her all day and Sarah after a while got mad about it. She ran after Nisha while she was crossing a road. In the middle of the road when Sarah caught her hand, Nisha kept yelling at her to leave her alone and when she didn’t, Nisha pushed her to let go of her hand. That instinct as she pushed Sarah, a truck at high speed was driving through that way hit her and she jumped over onto the traffic signal pillar and hit her head on it. Sarah fell down on the road, blood dripping from all over her face, her left hand and leg broke, and the ring finger and half of the middle finger from her left hand were lost.
Rushed to the hospital, Sarah was treated for 3 days in the ICU and then confirmed by the doctors that she was safe. Her family, the Pandeys flooded the ICU to see her and when they made sure she is safe, they left the ICU, and her father, Abhijit Pandey went over to talk to the doctor. The doctor told him, “Her skull was cracked and her cerebral cortex was hurt and exposed for a long time before we were able to patch it up. There is a high chance of her being partially blind. She’ll need a stick. More importantly, there are changes in the physical structure of her brain. Might be due to the accident, but we have to check it out more. We’ll let you know about it once we confirm what it is.” The father shocked his head in shock and came out of the room. He didn’t tell this to anyone thinking that if it didn’t happen, it’ll just increase the worry in others.
After a week, when she was shifted to a personal ward, Nisha came to visit her. Sarah was partially awake but she woke up and tried to sit when she saw Nisha. Nisha ran towards her and tried to hug her but she didn’t respond.
N: I am sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have done that. I was angry and I pushed you away. I didn’t expect any of this to happen.
S: Of course, you didn’t. No one can see such things coming. (Removing Nisha’s wrapped arms around her body)
N: I really am sorry. I wanted to meet you right away when I knew you were safe, but I felt guilty about what happened and how I can show my face to you after I did….. this. But still, I came to meet you and make sure you were safe but your family was very angry with me. They didn’t let me see you…. I am sorry.
(She was moving around the room in a zig-zag pattern walking fastly and Sarah noticed her anxiety and tried to cool her down)
S: Well, can’t blame them now can we? Now stop walking and sit somewhere.
N: I really am sorry (Starts crying)
S: It's okay. It's fine. I am fine now. I’ll be out in another week or two. Now, are you still angry with me about our disagreement?
N:(Pauses for a moment) ….. You mean about the loving boyfriend who never cared to look at you once when you are in this state?
S: Hey, you know about him and his dislike of hospitals. I’m sure he’s worried sick about me.
N: No, he’s not…… (Pauses for another moment) I mean how are you so sure?
S: Because he loves me.
N: (Looks at her with tear-filled eyes) Get well soon. We’ll meet again. I really am sorry for THE ACCIDENT.
To be honest, I don't exactly have any goals. I'd love to entertain y'all with my writings. If you wanna support me, you can donate as little as you can. You will be the reason for my smile today when I see that someone is supporting me, no matter how less or how more the amount is.
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